A bison rancher can have a love/hate relationship with winter...on one hand these creatures are built for the cold and snow....
A bison rancher can have a love/hate relationship with winter...on one hand these creatures are built for the cold and snow, and a huge herd of bison makes for a beautiful sight when the dark animals are contrasted against the clean white snow...on the other hand, even though they need minimal care during these times, there is feeding of the herd and other ranch work to be done, and at times temperatures of 30-40 below sure can present some challenges for us and the machinery that we rely on! Here in Wisconsin our winters can vary from being unseasonably warm with rain in the middle of winter...to over 120" of snow in one month alone (that was a record in Feb of 2019). I will say that the bison seem to prefer 10 below zero to 35 and rain...and I agree with them!