While the last few months of 2020 have been anything but normal for most Americans, there is a special group of people...
While the last few months of 2020 have been anything but normal for most Americans, there is a special group of people that often go un-noticed and rarely get the credit they deserve. With the shift in demand for higher quality proteins moving from the massive scale commodity packing houses often owned by overseas corporations to the local, trusted butcher in the last 2 months, these very people that we depend on really deserve a pat on the back...thats the family and team at Crescent Meats who is our processor. The family of Wayne and Stacy Lautsbaugh along with their son Vance, daughter Sam and the 20+ other employees that call Crescent Meats home have been working 5am to 5pm almost 7 days a week to help keep us all supplied with good quality meat and keeping the supply chain moving for the farmers and ranchers that depend on selling their livestock to stay afloat. With the Covid-19 induced bottle neck that has been happening in many of the larger packing plants, which has been drastically effecting already stressed farmers and ranchers, Crescent Meats has stepped up, put their personal lives on hold and put in more hours to help move as many of those animals as they can, helping both the rancher and the end customer that may be struggling to find the proteins they desire. This family is the reason that we have been able to step out on our own and take control of our ranch and business, without their help and support it wouldnt be possible, and this story is happening all over rural america, so if you know a local meat cutter or have access to a local butcher shop, take a few minutes to stop by, tell them thanks and show them some support by purchasing from them or from a rancher or farmer that relies on them, after all, if there is one thing we have learned..its that we need these guys now more than ever...